Rõhu moodul, -15 kuni 30 (-1 kuni 2 BAR), (-100 kuni 200 KPA)

Tootekood: FLUKE_750PD5
2 341,18 € 1 919,00 € Hind ilma km Hind koos km

Võta ühendust

Tellimused ja päringud
+372 659 3600
Tehniline informatsioon ja projektid
Keio Kalm keio.kalm@yeint.ee
+372 564 79201
Kaal 907 g
Mõõtühik tk
Tootekood FLUKE_750PD5
Osa number FLUKE 750PD5
Kaubamärk FLUKE


Tellimuse järgi

0,00 € 0,00 € Hind ilma km Hind koos km

Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulid

Fluke Premium Care kõlblik

Kui te investeerite Fluke'i testimisvahenditesse, siis soovite, et teie raha läheks võimalikult kaugele. Fluke Premium Care on tasuline pakkumine, mis pakub katvust, mis ületab toote originaalgarantii, nii et te ei pea muretsema ootamatute seisakute pärast, mis on tingitud kahjustatud katseseadmetest, tarvikutest või kalibreerimist või remonti vajavatest tööriistadest.

Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulid muudavad teie Fluke'i multifunktsionaalse kalibraatori täieõiguslikuks rõhu kalibraatoriks. Need paindlikud moodulid ei tööta mitte ainult multifunktsionaalsete kalibraatoritega, nagu 725, 726 või 750 seeria kalibraatorid, vaid laiendavad ka Fluke'i rõhukaliibraatorite mõõteulatust. Kuna rõhumoodulid kalibreeritakse sõltumatult, saab neid vahetada ühest kalibraatorist teise ilma täpsuse või jälgitavuse kaotamiseta.

Rõhu mõõtmine Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulitega on sama lihtne kui mooduli ühendamine rõhuallika või käsipumbaga, rõhumooduli kaabli ühendamine kalibraatoriga ja seejärel rõhu rakendamine rõhuallikast. Nupuvajutusega kuvatakse mõõdetud rõhk digitaalselt kalibraatoril kuni 11 erinevas tehnilises ühikus, mis annab teile kiiresti vajalikud andmed. Ja tänu "ilma tööriistadeta" ühendustele ei pea te ühenduste tegemiseks isegi mutrivõtme järele haarama.

Kasutades koos seeria 750 dokumenteerivate protsessikalibraatoritega, saab rõhuläbimõõdud isegi kuupäeva/kellaajaga templida ja salvestada dokumenteeritud kalibreerimisprotokollidesse, et neid hiljem uuesti välja otsida. See säästab aega, välistab vead ning toetab kvaliteedistandardite ja -eeskirjade järgimist.

Täielik rõhumoodulite perekond

Rohkem kui 50 rõhumooduliga, mis katavad rõhu kalibreerimise ja mõõtmise töökoormuse vahemikus 1 inH20 kuni 10 000 psi (2,5 mBar kuni 690 bar), on teie konkreetse rakenduse vajadustele vastava mudeli leidmine lihtsam kui kunagi varem. Kõik moodulid sisaldavad NPT, meetrilisi (BSP) ja M20 adaptereid.

Valige järgmiste valikute vahel:




Absoluutsed moodulid

Vaakum moodulid

Kahe vahemiku moodulid


Isekindlad moodulid

Valikus on üle 50 rõhumooduli, millest mõned populaarsemad on järgmised:

Fluke 750P00

Fluke 750P02

Fluke 750PD2

Fluke 750P03

Fluke 750P05

Fluke 750P06

Fluke 750P29

Survemoodulite täieliku loetelu saamiseks klõpsake ülaloleval vahekaardil Mudelid.

Mõeldud sinna, kus te töötate

Surveseadmeid paigaldatakse sageli karmidesse, raskesti ligipääsetavatesse kohtadesse, seega on vaja katseseadmeid, mis tulevad toime karmi kasutusega. 750P-seeria rõhumoodulitel on vastupidav kaitsekate, mis kaitseb moodulit löökide eest ning tihendab mustuse ja tolmu eest, kui te need kogemata maha kukutate, ei ole vaja muretseda. 750P-seeria moodulid on määratletud ka laias temperatuurivahemikus. Kuigi need moodulid on täpsemad kitsamas temperatuurivahemikus, kui neid kasutatakse siseruumides, on need moodulid projekteeritud ja määratletud jälgitavate rõhumõõtmiste teostamiseks keskkonnas -10 °C kuni +50 °C.

Tehniline info

Fluke 750P Series Pressure Modules

Differential Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P00 0 to 1 inH2O (0 to 2.5 mBar) 30X Dry air Dry air

750P3IN 0 to 3 Inch H2O (0 to 7.5 mbar) 10X Dry air Dry air

750P5IN 0 to 5 Inch H2O (0 to 12.5 mbar) 6X Dry air Dry air

750P017 0 to 10 inH2O (0 to 25 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P02 0 to 1 psi (0 to 70 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P22 0 to 1 psi (0 to 70 mBar) 3X 316 SS Dry air

750P03 0 to 5 psi (0 to 350 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P23 0 to 5 psi (0 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750P04 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P247 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P00 ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P3IN ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P5IN ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P017 ±0.1% ±0.2% ±0.3% ±0.15% ±0.25%

750P02 ±0.050% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750P22 ±0.050% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750P03 ±0.02% ±0.04% ±0.05% ±0.035% ±0.04%

750P23 ±0.02% ±0.04% ±0.05% ±0.035% ±0.04%

750P04 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P247 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

Gage Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P057 0 to 30 psi (0 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P067 0 to 100 psi (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P277 0 to 300 psi (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P07 0 to 500 psi (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P08 0 to 1000 psi (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P097 0 to 1500 psi (0 to 100 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P2000 0 to 2000 psi (0 to 140 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P057 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P067 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P277 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P07 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P08 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P097 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P2000 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

High Pressure Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P29 0 to 3000 psi (0 to 200 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P30 0 to 5000 psi (0 to 340 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P31 0 to 10000 psi (0 to 700 bar) 2X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P29 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P30 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P31 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

Absolute Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PA3 0 to 5 psia (0 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA47 0 to 15 psia (0 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA5 0 to 30 psia (0 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA6 0 to 100 psia (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA27 0 to 300 psia (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA7 0 to 500 psia (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA8 0 to 1000 psia (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750PA9 0 to 1500 psia (0 to 100 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PA3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA47 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA5 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA6 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA27 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA7 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA8 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA9 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

Vacuum Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PV3 -5 psi (-350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PV4 -15 psi (-1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PV3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PV4 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

Dual Range Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PD2 -1 to 1 psi (-70 to 70 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD3 -5 to 5 psi (-350 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD10 -10 to 10 psi (-700 to 700 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD4 -15 to 15 psi (-1 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD5 -15 to 30 psi (-1 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD50 -15 to 50 psi (-1 to 3.5 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD6 -15 to 100 psi (-1 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD7 -15 to 200 psi (-1 to 14 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD27 -15 to 300 psi (-1 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PD2 ±0.05% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750PD3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PD10 ±0.025% ±0.05% ±0.07% ±0.04% ±0.06%

750PD4 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD5 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD50 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD6 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD7 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD27 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

Reference Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750R045 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750R065 0 to 100 psi (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R27 0 to 300 psi (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R07 0 to 500 psi (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R085 0 to 1000 psi (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R29 0 to 3000 psi (0 to 200 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R30 0 to 5000 psi (0 to 340 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R315 0 to 10000 psi (0 to 700 bar) 2X 316 SS

750RD5 -15 to 30 psi (-1 to 2 bar) 4X Dry air

750RD65 -12 to 100 psi (-0.8 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750RD27 -12 to 300 psi (-0.8 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750R045 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R065 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R27 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R07 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R085 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R29 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R30 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R315 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD5 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD65 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD27 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

1. Total uncertainty, % of full span for temperature range 0°C to +50°C, one year interval. Total uncertainty, 1.0% of full span for temperature range -10°C to 0°C, one year interval. No 6 month specification available for range -10°C to 0°C. 

2. “Non-corrosive gasses” indicates Dry air or non-corrosive gas as compatible media. “Stainless Steel 316-SS” indicates media compatible with Type 316 Stainless Steel. 

3. Specifications % of Full Span unless otherwise noted. 

4. Reference Uncertainty is the specification for as left data for 24 hours. 

5. When reference class modules are used with fixed resolution products (717, 718, 719 series, 725 and 726) calibrators add ±1 count to the overall accuracy specification. 

6. Burst rating specification refers to the multiplier times full scale of the module for the rated burst pressure. 

7. Intrinsically Safe pressure module available in this pressure range.

Tehniline info

Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulid

Fluke Premium Care kõlblik

Kui te investeerite Fluke'i testimisvahenditesse, siis soovite, et teie raha läheks võimalikult kaugele. Fluke Premium Care on tasuline pakkumine, mis pakub katvust, mis ületab toote originaalgarantii, nii et te ei pea muretsema ootamatute seisakute pärast, mis on tingitud kahjustatud katseseadmetest, tarvikutest või kalibreerimist või remonti vajavatest tööriistadest.

Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulid muudavad teie Fluke'i multifunktsionaalse kalibraatori täieõiguslikuks rõhu kalibraatoriks. Need paindlikud moodulid ei tööta mitte ainult multifunktsionaalsete kalibraatoritega, nagu 725, 726 või 750 seeria kalibraatorid, vaid laiendavad ka Fluke'i rõhukaliibraatorite mõõteulatust. Kuna rõhumoodulid kalibreeritakse sõltumatult, saab neid vahetada ühest kalibraatorist teise ilma täpsuse või jälgitavuse kaotamiseta.

Rõhu mõõtmine Fluke 750P seeria rõhumoodulitega on sama lihtne kui mooduli ühendamine rõhuallika või käsipumbaga, rõhumooduli kaabli ühendamine kalibraatoriga ja seejärel rõhu rakendamine rõhuallikast. Nupuvajutusega kuvatakse mõõdetud rõhk digitaalselt kalibraatoril kuni 11 erinevas tehnilises ühikus, mis annab teile kiiresti vajalikud andmed. Ja tänu "ilma tööriistadeta" ühendustele ei pea te ühenduste tegemiseks isegi mutrivõtme järele haarama.

Kasutades koos seeria 750 dokumenteerivate protsessikalibraatoritega, saab rõhuläbimõõdud isegi kuupäeva/kellaajaga templida ja salvestada dokumenteeritud kalibreerimisprotokollidesse, et neid hiljem uuesti välja otsida. See säästab aega, välistab vead ning toetab kvaliteedistandardite ja -eeskirjade järgimist.

Täielik rõhumoodulite perekond

Rohkem kui 50 rõhumooduliga, mis katavad rõhu kalibreerimise ja mõõtmise töökoormuse vahemikus 1 inH20 kuni 10 000 psi (2,5 mBar kuni 690 bar), on teie konkreetse rakenduse vajadustele vastava mudeli leidmine lihtsam kui kunagi varem. Kõik moodulid sisaldavad NPT, meetrilisi (BSP) ja M20 adaptereid.

Valige järgmiste valikute vahel:




Absoluutsed moodulid

Vaakum moodulid

Kahe vahemiku moodulid


Isekindlad moodulid

Valikus on üle 50 rõhumooduli, millest mõned populaarsemad on järgmised:

Fluke 750P00

Fluke 750P02

Fluke 750PD2

Fluke 750P03

Fluke 750P05

Fluke 750P06

Fluke 750P29

Survemoodulite täieliku loetelu saamiseks klõpsake ülaloleval vahekaardil Mudelid.

Mõeldud sinna, kus te töötate

Surveseadmeid paigaldatakse sageli karmidesse, raskesti ligipääsetavatesse kohtadesse, seega on vaja katseseadmeid, mis tulevad toime karmi kasutusega. 750P-seeria rõhumoodulitel on vastupidav kaitsekate, mis kaitseb moodulit löökide eest ning tihendab mustuse ja tolmu eest, kui te need kogemata maha kukutate, ei ole vaja muretseda. 750P-seeria moodulid on määratletud ka laias temperatuurivahemikus. Kuigi need moodulid on täpsemad kitsamas temperatuurivahemikus, kui neid kasutatakse siseruumides, on need moodulid projekteeritud ja määratletud jälgitavate rõhumõõtmiste teostamiseks keskkonnas -10 °C kuni +50 °C.

Fluke 750P Series Pressure Modules

Differential Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P00 0 to 1 inH2O (0 to 2.5 mBar) 30X Dry air Dry air

750P3IN 0 to 3 Inch H2O (0 to 7.5 mbar) 10X Dry air Dry air

750P5IN 0 to 5 Inch H2O (0 to 12.5 mbar) 6X Dry air Dry air

750P017 0 to 10 inH2O (0 to 25 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P02 0 to 1 psi (0 to 70 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P22 0 to 1 psi (0 to 70 mBar) 3X 316 SS Dry air

750P03 0 to 5 psi (0 to 350 mBar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P23 0 to 5 psi (0 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750P04 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750P247 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P00 ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P3IN ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P5IN ±0.15% ±0.3% ±0.35% ±0.25% ±0.30%

750P017 ±0.1% ±0.2% ±0.3% ±0.15% ±0.25%

750P02 ±0.050% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750P22 ±0.050% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750P03 ±0.02% ±0.04% ±0.05% ±0.035% ±0.04%

750P23 ±0.02% ±0.04% ±0.05% ±0.035% ±0.04%

750P04 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P247 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

Gage Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P057 0 to 30 psi (0 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P067 0 to 100 psi (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P277 0 to 300 psi (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P07 0 to 500 psi (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750P08 0 to 1000 psi (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P097 0 to 1500 psi (0 to 100 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P2000 0 to 2000 psi (0 to 140 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P057 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P067 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P277 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P07 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P08 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P097 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P2000 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

High Pressure Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750P29 0 to 3000 psi (0 to 200 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P30 0 to 5000 psi (0 to 340 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750P31 0 to 10000 psi (0 to 700 bar) 2X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750P29 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P30 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

750P31 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ±0.04%

Absolute Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PA3 0 to 5 psia (0 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA47 0 to 15 psia (0 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA5 0 to 30 psia (0 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA6 0 to 100 psia (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA27 0 to 300 psia (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA7 0 to 500 psia (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS N/A

750PA8 0 to 1000 psia (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

750PA9 0 to 1500 psia (0 to 100 bar) 3X 316 SS N/A

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PA3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA47 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA5 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA6 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA27 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA7 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA8 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PA9 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

Vacuum Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PV3 -5 psi (-350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PV4 -15 psi (-1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PV3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PV4 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

Dual Range Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750PD2 -1 to 1 psi (-70 to 70 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD3 -5 to 5 psi (-350 to 350 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD10 -10 to 10 psi (-700 to 700 mBar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD4 -15 to 15 psi (-1 to 1 bar) 4X 316 SS Dry air

750PD5 -15 to 30 psi (-1 to 2 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD50 -15 to 50 psi (-1 to 3.5 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD6 -15 to 100 psi (-1 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD7 -15 to 200 psi (-1 to 14 bar) 4X 316 SS

750PD27 -15 to 300 psi (-1 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750PD2 ±0.05% ±0.1% ±0.15% ±0.075% ±0.125%

750PD3 ±0.03% ±0.06% ±0.07% ±0.05% ±0.06%

750PD10 ±0.025% ±0.05% ±0.07% ±0.04% ±0.06%

750PD4 ±0.0175% ±0.035% ±0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD5 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD50 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD6 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD7 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

750PD27 ± 0.0175% ± 0.035% ± 0.045% ±0.03% ± 0.04%

Reference Module Specifications

Model Parameter / range Burst rating6 Hi side media2 Lo side media2

750R045 0 to 15 psi (0 to 1 bar) 3X Dry air Dry air

750R065 0 to 100 psi (0 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R27 0 to 300 psi (0 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R07 0 to 500 psi (0 to 35 bar) 4X 316 SS

750R085 0 to 1000 psi (0 to 70 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R29 0 to 3000 psi (0 to 200 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R30 0 to 5000 psi (0 to 340 bar) 3X 316 SS

750R315 0 to 10000 psi (0 to 700 bar) 2X 316 SS

750RD5 -15 to 30 psi (-1 to 2 bar) 4X Dry air

750RD65 -12 to 100 psi (-0.8 to 7 bar) 4X 316 SS

750RD27 -12 to 300 psi (-0.8 to 20 bar) 4X 316 SS

Model Reference uncertainty4 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty

1-year1 Total uncertainty


(15-35°C) Total uncertainty


750R045 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R065 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R27 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R07 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R085 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R29 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R30 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750R315 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD5 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD65 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

750RD27 ±0.01% of FS ±0.02% of FS ±0.04% of FS ±0.015% of FS ±0.035% of FS

1. Total uncertainty, % of full span for temperature range 0°C to +50°C, one year interval. Total uncertainty, 1.0% of full span for temperature range -10°C to 0°C, one year interval. No 6 month specification available for range -10°C to 0°C. 

2. “Non-corrosive gasses” indicates Dry air or non-corrosive gas as compatible media. “Stainless Steel 316-SS” indicates media compatible with Type 316 Stainless Steel. 

3. Specifications % of Full Span unless otherwise noted. 

4. Reference Uncertainty is the specification for as left data for 24 hours. 

5. When reference class modules are used with fixed resolution products (717, 718, 719 series, 725 and 726) calibrators add ±1 count to the overall accuracy specification. 

6. Burst rating specification refers to the multiplier times full scale of the module for the rated burst pressure. 

7. Intrinsically Safe pressure module available in this pressure range.

Võta ühendust

Tellimused ja päringud
+372 659 3600
Tehniline informatsioon ja projektid
Keio Kalm keio.kalm@yeint.ee
+372 564 79201